Four Paws

Rescue suffering animals like Chinh

Bear Chinh in his cage

A desperate life

20 years trapped in a bile farm – what poor Chinh has had to endure in his life is heartbreaking. 

Confined within a tiny, barren cage, Chinh spends his days alone, with hardly any room to move and no access even to drinking water.

We need your help before it’s too late

We urgently need your support to bring Chinh to our BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh in Vietnam. Here, he could finally live the peaceful life he's been denied for so long.

Years of bile extraction have taken a toll on Chinh's health, and we anticipate that he will require immediate medical care upon his arrival.

After years of being frightened and alone, once he's had time to adjust to his new home, we hope to socialise him with other rescued bears.

Your donation today could help us rescue and give more animals like Chinh a safe forever home. Can you help?

  • £10 could help provide emergency transport for a rescue mission. 
  • £15 could help provide the medication a bear needs during a rescue.
  • £25 could help give rescued bears food and enrichment at one of our bear sanctuaries.
  • A generous £100 gift today could help to provide urgent medical care after bears arrive at BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh.

Your support helps us keep our sanctuaries running and provides homes and species appropriate care to more than 300 rescued animals - a place where they are safe, loved and cared for. On behalf of the animals, the FOUR PAWS UK team would like to thank you!

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Confirmation

Your gift could give bile bears a new life.

With gift aid, your gift of £1 could be worth £1.25 at no extra cost to you.

I understand you will reclaim the tax I've paid on this donation, any I've made in the past four years and any I may make in the future.

To qualify for Gift Aid, I must pay as much UK income and/or captial gains tax as FOUR PAWS UK and the other organisaitons I support claims on my behalf in each tax year.

This is currently 25p on every £1 that I donate. If I pay less tax, I'm responsible for paying the difference. Gift Aid will help fund FOUR PAWS' general work. I can cancel this declaration at any time.

DISCLAIMER: This appeal is an example of a FOUR PAWS project. Donations are spent around the world and wherever the need is greatest to help animals in need. The information that you provide will be held by FOUR PAWS UK. For information on how FOUR PAWS UK processes personal data, please see our privacy policy.
You can change how you hear from by emailing our Supporter Care team or by calling +44 (0)207 922 7954.