Four Paws

Big cats forced to live in captivity need your help

Can you help FOUR PAWS rescue and protect animals like Nikola and Vasylyna?

Give animals like Nikola and Vasylyna a second chance in life

FOUR PAWS Sanctuaries offer a safe haven for rescued animals, providing them with a life-long home in near-natural habitats. Our sanctuaries, give animals a second chance to live the life that was meant for them.

After being rescued from their past ordeals, animals like Nikola and Vasylyna go through a mental and physical transition and transformation to ensure they adapt to their new habitat. 

The sanctuaries teams are skilled in ensuring that rescued animals like Nikola and Vasylyna transition safely when they arrive at their new homes, paying attention to their physical and behaviour needs to ensure they adapt smoothly to their new habitat.

  Nikola and Vasylyna are the lucky ones, it is estimated that there are around 10,000 lions and over 600 tigers living in captivity in South Africa alone.

Your gift could help FOURPAWS rescue and protect big cats like Nikola and Vasylyna. Can you help?

The FOUR PAWS Sanctuaries

We operate ten animal sanctuaries around the world, based in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine, Kosovo and Bulgaria; including LIONSROCK our big cat sanctuary in South Africa, home to more than 100 rescued big cats, and our BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh in Vietnam with more than 30 former bile bears under our care.

Your support today could make a significant impact!

Thanks to supporters like you, despite their past trauma, Nikola and Vasylyna have formed a strong bond and have become inseparable during their rehabilitation time at FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary.

Now they have been released at LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary together, they finally get to start their new lives under the South-African sun; free of the stress of war, hunger and fear as they deserve. 

Your support could help FOUR PAWS protect and rescue more animals forced to live in captivity. Can we count on your help?

Nikola & Vasylyna
  • Step 1
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  • Confirmation

Could you help support big cats rescued from captivity?

With gift aid, your gift of £1 could be worth £1.25 at no extra cost to you.

I understand you will reclaim the tax I've paid on this donation, any I've made in the past four years and any I may make in the future.

To qualify for Gift Aid, I must pay as much UK income and/or captial gains tax as FOUR PAWS UK and the other organisaitons I support claims on my behalf in each tax year.

This is currently 25p on every £1 that I donate. If I pay less tax, I'm responsible for paying the difference. Gift Aid will help fund FOUR PAWS' general work. I can cancel this declaration at any time.

DISCLAIMER: This appeal is an example of a FOUR PAWS project. Donations are spent around the world and wherever the need is greatest to help animals in need. The information that you provide will be held by FOUR PAWS UK. For information on how FOUR PAWS UK processes personal data, please see our privacy policy.
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