Four Paws

Abandoned tigers in need

These magnificent animals are trapped in cages barely larger than two parking spaces. Their home is part of an old, abandoned train carriage, which offers limited protection from the elements. 

In the beginning, there were only two. Since then, two cubs have been born.

The cubs are now 10 years old.

Freedom was right in front of them. And yet so far away
Each day, all four tigers have watched the sun rise through the bars of their cages, feeling more desperate than the day before. Freedom was so close, but they have never felt the soft grass under their paws. FOUR PAWS could finally change that. 

This can change now
We urgently need to rescue these tigers and bring them to our specialist big cat sanctuary in South Africa. At LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary they can finally experience the life that a tiger deserves.

This is an emergency
We are currently working hard on issuing the permits with the authorities in Argentina and South Africa. 

With more than 100 rescued big cats living at LIONSROCK, we are at full capacity. But we can't turn our backs on these tigers. Therefore, we want to build a new species-appropriate enclosure for them.

Please join this rescue mission today. Your gift could help to make it a reality and give these tigers a fresh start.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Confirmation

Your gift could give four tigers a new life.

With gift aid, your gift of £1 could be worth £1.25 at no extra cost to you.

I understand you will reclaim the tax I've paid on this donation, any I've made in the past four years and any I may make in the future.

To qualify for Gift Aid, I must pay as much UK income and/or captial gains tax as FOUR PAWS UK and the other organisaitons I support claims on my behalf in each tax year.

This is currently 25p on every £1 that I donate. If I pay less tax, I'm responsible for paying the difference. Gift Aid will help fund FOUR PAWS' general work. I can cancel this declaration at any time.

DISCLAIMER: This appeal is an example of a FOUR PAWS project. Donations are spent around the world and wherever the need is greatest to help animals in need. The information that you provide will be held by FOUR PAWS UK. For information on how FOUR PAWS UK processes personal data, please see our privacy policy.
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